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Community Family Life Services
"I met Melanie about two or three years ago. She is just absolutely fantastic and always prepared. She is flawless in her knowledge about speaking publicly and to Councilmembers. I want to say thank you very much."
-Ashley McSwain, Executive Director, Community Family Life Services
"My staff loved your training and thought you were 'phenomenal.' They mentioned how empowered they feel about testifying and making the voice of CFLS heard. So thank you very much."
-Ashley McSwain, Executive Director, Community Family Life Services
"When I hear you speak and see you operate all I witness is professionalism at its best! Truth of someone knowing what to do in any situation to shine even if darkness is creeping in. Thank you for deciding to come aboard with CFLS and working with us in making our light shine even brighter!"
-Diane Carter-Bryant, Community Health Worker, Community Family Life Services
"Thank YOU for everything you do! I don't know what we'd do without you!"
-Elena Thorpe, Program Manager, Community Family Life Services
"I wanted to reach out and say thank you for all of the awesome things you do to help us! You are a rock star."
-Shelby Wallington, Program Manager, Community Family Life Services
"You did an incredible job organizing and managing such a successful event. You are so detail-oriented, and you set the mood to be one of celebration, fellowship, and gratitude."
-Erin Calloway, Director of Community Initiatives, Community Family Life Services
"If you need communications around criminal justice reform in the District of Columbia, contact Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC."
-Joe D'Antonio, Speakers Bureau Program Manager, Community Family Life Services
"I want to thank you for all you do and the time and thought you give to the Speakers Bureau women. It's invaluable."
-Katherine Sponaugle, Director of Reentry & Victim Services, Community Family Life Services
"Ms. Bates you were empowering and supportive of our value as the CFLS Speakers Bureau and I am forever grateful for you. Very few people rent free space in my head but you are allowed."
-Tonya Hanna, Speakers Bureau Member, Community Family Life Services
"Special thanks go out to Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC, for her irreplaceable expertise."
-Acknowledgements, 2021 MORE THAN Conference Program, Community Family Life Services
Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
"Thank you for your relentless advocacy for returning citizens, communities of color and everyone suffering in the brutality of the criminal legal system. You are such an exceptional changemaker. Thank you!"
-Tara Libert, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
"Melanie is phenomenal. She has served with distinction on the Advisory Board of Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop for the past several years. Melanie’s unwavering dedication to serving D.C.'s incarcerated youth is truly remarkable."
-Tara Libert, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
"We're so appreciative of the wonderful workshops that you delivered yesterday to the Free Minds members participating in the apprenticeship program. The members really got a lot of practical and inspiring information from your presentations AND from the caring way you shared the content."
-Jennifer Gajdosik, Reentry Coach, Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
Know Your Rights Program
"I’d like to express my gratitude for the Know Your Rights presentation yesterday. The presentation was informative and engaging and we received a lot of great feedback from the clients and staff."
-Sharece Netter, Program Manager, Bethany Women's Center
"Really, I am the one that owes you all the thanks and praise! The session was awesome. Your commitment to excellence and attention to detail was shining through every element of the program. I enjoyed seeing our Fellows being so engaged and the addition of the Office of Police Complaints, officer, and attorney, really added a layer of authenticity to the conversation. Please extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all of the guests that joined you. I couldn't have asked for a better event!"
-Ivan C. Douglas, Jr., The Literacy Lab
"If you work with young people, please, please, please consider having Attorney Melanie Bates come and complete her Know Your Rights presentation/training! It could literally be the difference of them walking away from a police encounter versus something more tragic. After the countless stories we’ve witnessed in recent years and the recent film, When They See Us, her training could not be more timely."
-Dr. Antwan Perry, DC Public Schools
"Thank you again for your sharing your knowledge with the young men. It is my hope that while I am in front of them that I positively influence them as much as I can; I know today’s presentation contributed to that."
-Dr. Antwan Perry, DC Public Schools
Panel Discussions
"I was inspired by your webinar to apply for a job in a nonprofit reentry center. Thankfully, I got the job and will be working there as my first full time/post undergrad job! I’m super excited about this and the impact it will have on my future as a lawyer. Thanks so much for your awesome webinar!!"
-Prospective Law Student
"Thank you so much for moderating our event, the Effects of Mass Incarceration on the African American Community this past Saturday. You did an amazing job. Your expertise, experience and passion were an invaluable addition to the panel. On behalf of the Washington Bar Association Knowledge is Power Committee, thanks again!"
-Washington Bar Association
Justice Reform
"Grace at work is not always given to the families of the incarcerated. So much so that many will keep it to themselves, fearing judgment. It was my colleague Melanie E. Bates who gave me advice and lifted me up as I managed the emotions privately."
-Noelle Johnson, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
"Thank you so much for your work during the criminal justice convening last week. Your notes are incredible. Honestly this is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen!"
-Duy Pham, Policy Analyst, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
“This report beautifully captures something that we are so proud of. Thank you for your time and talent.”
-Angel Gregorio and Tony Lewis Jr., Co-Founders, DC or Nothing Inc.
"I have been wanting to meet you for years because of your extraordinary service to those impacted by the justice system. What I admire most about you is that you are a mission-driven entrepreneur who is intentional about aligning your personal values with your professional work. I consider you a #HeartWarrior, someone who uses her superpowers to bring about positive change and uplift the voices of the most vulnerable! So honored to have met you!"
-Bea Spadacini, Producer, One in Four Podcast
"Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement. I am grateful for people like you who continue to speak on the injustices to people in the criminal justice system and people of color."
-Marla Bautista, Author, Writer, Speaker
"It has been my pleasure to work with Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC. Melanie is the consummate professional and at the same time, a joy to work with. She provided invaluable guidance, demonstrated expertise and created the right content to support the launch of a social media advertising campaign for a civil rights litigation project near and dear to me. I highly recommend Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC."
-Karen E. Evans, Esq.
"Thank you for your willingness to work with me on establishing the SGI focus and brand. You have been quite generous with your time and expertise. I’m very excited, and know there will be success with your professional input. You are a blessing."
-Cynthia Swann, JD, MD, President and CEO, Swann Group International, LLC
"Working with Melanie was a godsend. She jumped right into managing the organization's external communications, including curating and drafting the email and social media calendar. Her strategic counsel also supported me while navigating important issues facing our internal and external audiences. Very grateful to have worked with Melanie!"
-Clare Bresnahan English, President & CEO, New Leaders Council
"Thank you so much for everything you did to make the RAN Communications Training the huge success that it was! I have heard nothing but nice things about the training and what attendees learned. I saw that very impressive binder you put together, and in a post-training survey one participant even mentioned how helpful that binder will be in their future advocacy endeavors."
-Casey Anderson, Council for Court Excellence
"Thanks for all your hard work. Your social media prowess is really working!!!!"
-Bernetta Hayes, Director, Pre-Law Program Operations, Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. (CLEO)
“You were great today. Keep telling your story! The students loved it. Thanks again!
-Anthony “Doug” Lawrence, True Colors
"Appreciate all the knowledge, wisdom, insight and exposure you've been bringing to our students throughout these workshops and masterclasses!"
-Christina Campbell, Director of Music Programs, Living Classrooms Foundation
"I remember when we first met! I was so impressed with you and your drive to succeed. I told you to stay focused and keep going and you are doing it. I know how challenging entrepreneurship can be, but your accomplishments say it all. Gratitude, humility, empathy, and support go a long way. I can see that your clients, team members, and friends truly celebrate your success just as I do."
-Donna Hughes, Senior Account Manager, OUTFRONT Media
"You were created to fight for and to obtain justice for those who cannot fight for themselves. You are a blessing to us all."
-Vivian McCarter
"Melanie is very knowledgeable, understanding, highly intelligent, professional and kind at the same time."
-Dr. Carmen Johnson, Founder, Helping Ourselves to Transform
"I’m so thankful for your time, energy, and passion. It makes all the difference to so many women!"
-Tenaj Moody, CEO/Founder, Light to Life, LLC
Business Management
"It was so wonderful working with you. I'll reach out if there is an opportunity to collaborate again! Thanks for your professionalism and guidance through this process!"
-Holland Keerikatte, Esq.
"Thank you so much for a great Board retreat! It went better than I could have imagined. I continue to be impressed by your work and professionalism and I look forward to working with you more."
-Alicia Horton, Executive Director, Thrive DC
"You turn ideas into tangible outcomes. That is a valuable skill. Thank you for your guidance and support."
-Chanda Marlowe
"You are just a wealth of knowledge of business information and how to get connected. Your networking knowledge, skills, and abilities are unmatched! More people need to know that knowing you is the key to getting plugged into the network that will help them walk right into their destiny."
-Denielle Petty, Owner, Analytical Peace LLC
Internship Program
"I took up a lot of responsibility - helping you develop social media messaging, revise the website, and more. All of these have been amazing learning experiences for me. In addition to the formal internship, I’m so grateful for having you as a mentor. Good luck in all of your future endeavors, and thank you, for such a rewarding internship experience."
-Christine Sun, B.S. Candidate, Georgetown University and MBC's Inaugural Intern
"I am so grateful for the opportunity to work on this report with you. It has been very fulfilling and a highlight of my summer and career trajectory."
-Nelly Waribe, MBC Legal Intern
"There are 'doers' and there are 'lip smackers.' You are the former, a social engineer in the tradition that Charles Hamilton Houston envisioned for African American lawyers. I continue to admire all you do for others. I know that you will make a difference in achieving the current social justice demands for our people and the underprivileged. Thanks for being there where people actually need you."
-Joyce Gates Mitchell, Esq.
"I have been Melanie’s mentor for nearly 15 years. Melanie has a strong service orientation and has dedicated her career to giving back to underserved communities."
-Kirra L. Jarratt, Esq.
"I had the pleasure of serving as one of Melanie’s law school professors in a seminar-style course. She excelled then and has continued to achieve success throughout her career, rising rapidly in public service in the uber-competitive environment of our nation's capital, and for all the right reasons. She is eminently competent in her field and stands as a game-changing administrator."
-Amos Jones, Esq., Interim President & CEO, Hepatitis Foundation International
"I supervised Melanie in her role as President of the North Carolina Central University School of Law Innocence Project®. She relates well to all types of people and is delightful to work with."
-Page Potter, Former Director, North Carolina Central University School of Law Pro Bono Program
"Melanie was instrumental to my success as a first-year law student. She gave me extremely valuable advice on the law school application process and continued to provide guidance as I matriculated through school."
-Diamond Wade, Esq.
"I met Melanie about two or three years ago. She is just absolutely fantastic and always prepared. She is flawless in her knowledge about speaking publicly and to Councilmembers. I want to say thank you very much."
-Ashley McSwain, Executive Director, Community Family Life Services
"My staff loved your training and thought you were 'phenomenal.' They mentioned how empowered they feel about testifying and making the voice of CFLS heard. So thank you very much."
-Ashley McSwain, Executive Director, Community Family Life Services
"When I hear you speak and see you operate all I witness is professionalism at its best! Truth of someone knowing what to do in any situation to shine even if darkness is creeping in. Thank you for deciding to come aboard with CFLS and working with us in making our light shine even brighter!"
-Diane Carter-Bryant, Community Health Worker, Community Family Life Services
"Thank YOU for everything you do! I don't know what we'd do without you!"
-Elena Thorpe, Program Manager, Community Family Life Services
"I wanted to reach out and say thank you for all of the awesome things you do to help us! You are a rock star."
-Shelby Wallington, Program Manager, Community Family Life Services
"You did an incredible job organizing and managing such a successful event. You are so detail-oriented, and you set the mood to be one of celebration, fellowship, and gratitude."
-Erin Calloway, Director of Community Initiatives, Community Family Life Services
"If you need communications around criminal justice reform in the District of Columbia, contact Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC."
-Joe D'Antonio, Speakers Bureau Program Manager, Community Family Life Services
"I want to thank you for all you do and the time and thought you give to the Speakers Bureau women. It's invaluable."
-Katherine Sponaugle, Director of Reentry & Victim Services, Community Family Life Services
"Ms. Bates you were empowering and supportive of our value as the CFLS Speakers Bureau and I am forever grateful for you. Very few people rent free space in my head but you are allowed."
-Tonya Hanna, Speakers Bureau Member, Community Family Life Services
"Special thanks go out to Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC, for her irreplaceable expertise."
-Acknowledgements, 2021 MORE THAN Conference Program, Community Family Life Services
Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
"Thank you for your relentless advocacy for returning citizens, communities of color and everyone suffering in the brutality of the criminal legal system. You are such an exceptional changemaker. Thank you!"
-Tara Libert, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
"Melanie is phenomenal. She has served with distinction on the Advisory Board of Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop for the past several years. Melanie’s unwavering dedication to serving D.C.'s incarcerated youth is truly remarkable."
-Tara Libert, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
"We're so appreciative of the wonderful workshops that you delivered yesterday to the Free Minds members participating in the apprenticeship program. The members really got a lot of practical and inspiring information from your presentations AND from the caring way you shared the content."
-Jennifer Gajdosik, Reentry Coach, Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop
Know Your Rights Program
"I’d like to express my gratitude for the Know Your Rights presentation yesterday. The presentation was informative and engaging and we received a lot of great feedback from the clients and staff."
-Sharece Netter, Program Manager, Bethany Women's Center
"Really, I am the one that owes you all the thanks and praise! The session was awesome. Your commitment to excellence and attention to detail was shining through every element of the program. I enjoyed seeing our Fellows being so engaged and the addition of the Office of Police Complaints, officer, and attorney, really added a layer of authenticity to the conversation. Please extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all of the guests that joined you. I couldn't have asked for a better event!"
-Ivan C. Douglas, Jr., The Literacy Lab
"If you work with young people, please, please, please consider having Attorney Melanie Bates come and complete her Know Your Rights presentation/training! It could literally be the difference of them walking away from a police encounter versus something more tragic. After the countless stories we’ve witnessed in recent years and the recent film, When They See Us, her training could not be more timely."
-Dr. Antwan Perry, DC Public Schools
"Thank you again for your sharing your knowledge with the young men. It is my hope that while I am in front of them that I positively influence them as much as I can; I know today’s presentation contributed to that."
-Dr. Antwan Perry, DC Public Schools
Panel Discussions
"I was inspired by your webinar to apply for a job in a nonprofit reentry center. Thankfully, I got the job and will be working there as my first full time/post undergrad job! I’m super excited about this and the impact it will have on my future as a lawyer. Thanks so much for your awesome webinar!!"
-Prospective Law Student
"Thank you so much for moderating our event, the Effects of Mass Incarceration on the African American Community this past Saturday. You did an amazing job. Your expertise, experience and passion were an invaluable addition to the panel. On behalf of the Washington Bar Association Knowledge is Power Committee, thanks again!"
-Washington Bar Association
Justice Reform
"Grace at work is not always given to the families of the incarcerated. So much so that many will keep it to themselves, fearing judgment. It was my colleague Melanie E. Bates who gave me advice and lifted me up as I managed the emotions privately."
-Noelle Johnson, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
"Thank you so much for your work during the criminal justice convening last week. Your notes are incredible. Honestly this is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen!"
-Duy Pham, Policy Analyst, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
“This report beautifully captures something that we are so proud of. Thank you for your time and talent.”
-Angel Gregorio and Tony Lewis Jr., Co-Founders, DC or Nothing Inc.
"I have been wanting to meet you for years because of your extraordinary service to those impacted by the justice system. What I admire most about you is that you are a mission-driven entrepreneur who is intentional about aligning your personal values with your professional work. I consider you a #HeartWarrior, someone who uses her superpowers to bring about positive change and uplift the voices of the most vulnerable! So honored to have met you!"
-Bea Spadacini, Producer, One in Four Podcast
"Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement. I am grateful for people like you who continue to speak on the injustices to people in the criminal justice system and people of color."
-Marla Bautista, Author, Writer, Speaker
"It has been my pleasure to work with Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC. Melanie is the consummate professional and at the same time, a joy to work with. She provided invaluable guidance, demonstrated expertise and created the right content to support the launch of a social media advertising campaign for a civil rights litigation project near and dear to me. I highly recommend Melanie Bates Consulting, LLC."
-Karen E. Evans, Esq.
"Thank you for your willingness to work with me on establishing the SGI focus and brand. You have been quite generous with your time and expertise. I’m very excited, and know there will be success with your professional input. You are a blessing."
-Cynthia Swann, JD, MD, President and CEO, Swann Group International, LLC
"Working with Melanie was a godsend. She jumped right into managing the organization's external communications, including curating and drafting the email and social media calendar. Her strategic counsel also supported me while navigating important issues facing our internal and external audiences. Very grateful to have worked with Melanie!"
-Clare Bresnahan English, President & CEO, New Leaders Council
"Thank you so much for everything you did to make the RAN Communications Training the huge success that it was! I have heard nothing but nice things about the training and what attendees learned. I saw that very impressive binder you put together, and in a post-training survey one participant even mentioned how helpful that binder will be in their future advocacy endeavors."
-Casey Anderson, Council for Court Excellence
"Thanks for all your hard work. Your social media prowess is really working!!!!"
-Bernetta Hayes, Director, Pre-Law Program Operations, Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. (CLEO)
“You were great today. Keep telling your story! The students loved it. Thanks again!
-Anthony “Doug” Lawrence, True Colors
"Appreciate all the knowledge, wisdom, insight and exposure you've been bringing to our students throughout these workshops and masterclasses!"
-Christina Campbell, Director of Music Programs, Living Classrooms Foundation
"I remember when we first met! I was so impressed with you and your drive to succeed. I told you to stay focused and keep going and you are doing it. I know how challenging entrepreneurship can be, but your accomplishments say it all. Gratitude, humility, empathy, and support go a long way. I can see that your clients, team members, and friends truly celebrate your success just as I do."
-Donna Hughes, Senior Account Manager, OUTFRONT Media
"You were created to fight for and to obtain justice for those who cannot fight for themselves. You are a blessing to us all."
-Vivian McCarter
"Melanie is very knowledgeable, understanding, highly intelligent, professional and kind at the same time."
-Dr. Carmen Johnson, Founder, Helping Ourselves to Transform
"I’m so thankful for your time, energy, and passion. It makes all the difference to so many women!"
-Tenaj Moody, CEO/Founder, Light to Life, LLC
Business Management
"It was so wonderful working with you. I'll reach out if there is an opportunity to collaborate again! Thanks for your professionalism and guidance through this process!"
-Holland Keerikatte, Esq.
"Thank you so much for a great Board retreat! It went better than I could have imagined. I continue to be impressed by your work and professionalism and I look forward to working with you more."
-Alicia Horton, Executive Director, Thrive DC
"You turn ideas into tangible outcomes. That is a valuable skill. Thank you for your guidance and support."
-Chanda Marlowe
"You are just a wealth of knowledge of business information and how to get connected. Your networking knowledge, skills, and abilities are unmatched! More people need to know that knowing you is the key to getting plugged into the network that will help them walk right into their destiny."
-Denielle Petty, Owner, Analytical Peace LLC
Internship Program
"I took up a lot of responsibility - helping you develop social media messaging, revise the website, and more. All of these have been amazing learning experiences for me. In addition to the formal internship, I’m so grateful for having you as a mentor. Good luck in all of your future endeavors, and thank you, for such a rewarding internship experience."
-Christine Sun, B.S. Candidate, Georgetown University and MBC's Inaugural Intern
"I am so grateful for the opportunity to work on this report with you. It has been very fulfilling and a highlight of my summer and career trajectory."
-Nelly Waribe, MBC Legal Intern
"There are 'doers' and there are 'lip smackers.' You are the former, a social engineer in the tradition that Charles Hamilton Houston envisioned for African American lawyers. I continue to admire all you do for others. I know that you will make a difference in achieving the current social justice demands for our people and the underprivileged. Thanks for being there where people actually need you."
-Joyce Gates Mitchell, Esq.
"I have been Melanie’s mentor for nearly 15 years. Melanie has a strong service orientation and has dedicated her career to giving back to underserved communities."
-Kirra L. Jarratt, Esq.
"I had the pleasure of serving as one of Melanie’s law school professors in a seminar-style course. She excelled then and has continued to achieve success throughout her career, rising rapidly in public service in the uber-competitive environment of our nation's capital, and for all the right reasons. She is eminently competent in her field and stands as a game-changing administrator."
-Amos Jones, Esq., Interim President & CEO, Hepatitis Foundation International
"I supervised Melanie in her role as President of the North Carolina Central University School of Law Innocence Project®. She relates well to all types of people and is delightful to work with."
-Page Potter, Former Director, North Carolina Central University School of Law Pro Bono Program
"Melanie was instrumental to my success as a first-year law student. She gave me extremely valuable advice on the law school application process and continued to provide guidance as I matriculated through school."
-Diamond Wade, Esq.